I had been thinking about learning reiki for a long time. One of my cousins is a professional reiki healer. Whenever she asked me to give ia shot, I sniggered thinking that it was something only "strange and weird" people did. To use my mother's terminology, "normal" people do not take these things up!
In fact, a friend of mine who is obviously a lot more well read than my mom, responded with this when she got to know that I was learning reiki "Jadu karegi kya?"
With these misconceptions, I finally took the plunge when I felt the need to cleanse myself of negativity. I want to share my exerience to at least try and explain what reiki actually means..at least what it has done for me :)
I dont know how to meditate. I knew nothing about reiki. Just went because I thought it would help me and I wanted to do everything to help me :)
There was another lady who had come to learn reiki with me. She was a sixty year old braveheart who was blessed with a beautiful marriage but was battling cancer. Her loving husband had insisted that she undergo reiki to attract all teh positive energy that she could to heal herself. :)
I will not disclose the issues that we discussed there but I want to share teh process.
After talking to each other about the issues that we wanted to resolve, we shared our beliefs with each other. Our instructor told us how reiki could help us.
She then told us about the seven chakras in our body that could be visualized as seven different colors of the rainbow...VIBGYOR. These seven chakras are responsible for our life functions.
I will write another post about the proces in detail. I only want to focus on the experience for now.
Reiki is all about positive thinking. It is thanking God for everything that you "HAVE" in your life. It does not mean turning your eyes away from what is bad or negative...but the power to change that negative into positive.
The basic philosophy of reiki is that love is god, that it is god who is the guiding force in your life. God manifests in your life through love. This is love for yourself, for your near and dear ones. It says you are a magnet and if you give love you will sttract love and if you do not, you will repell love.
I guess that explains the bible verse "love thy neighbour ;P" haha...but on a serious note, it empahasizes the need to love yourself unconditionally, to accept yourself truly and to feel joyous for your existence. It is about focusing on happiness.
Ever since I came back from the session I feel a sort of change in my day. Its like a series of good things happened. They happened because I thought about them. And so I was in charge of my happiness.
This is the simplest truth in life. We all know this. But we forget it often. Reiki just reinforces that.
I am glad I decided to learn more about something that can empower me to alter my life the way I want to :)
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