Day 1: The journey begins….Three ladies, two elderly men in the cabin, and one empty berth thanks to Rajiv…Hardly the beginning we had envisaged! As the train trudged along, Ashu recalled “Jab we Met” and conjured up someone as cute looking as Shahid Kapoor losing his way into our cabin! I thought of the old Lakme ad where a guy boards a plane and a good looking woman comes and says “Shayad aap meri seat par hai!” There had to be a teeny weeny chance of a role reversal here. There had to be a reason God stopped Rajiv accompanying us :D
One hour into the journey and we had made ourselves a little too comfortable in the train. It took a little cajoling before Asha madam agreed to share our lower berths with the other poor souls who had tickets for the upper berths. She wanted that Rajiv’s berth be occupied by our luggage rather than the poor gentlemen!
Post our little photo shoot and delicious paratha session, the cabin didn't look as clean as it did when the journey had begun. We had taken it upon ourselves to make the place seem a little more “lived in.” I have no idea why the two men in the coach seemed bothered while the ladies chatted prettily and talked about issues of world importance like movies and songs and basically everything under the sun. It wasn’t even 11 when the men decided they wanted to sleep! Needless to say, the chattering continued unabated well into the wee hours of the morning. J
Day 2: Early morning…still in the train—I love the way how effortlessly women just take up from where they left when it comes to an interruption in talking. It seemed as if the few hours of sleep which had deterred the generous word flow had simbly not occurred…the incessant pearls of wisdom flew unaided in the morning. Why the men in the coach kept looking at all three of us incredulously, I have no idea.
Oh by the way, we had not booked our return tickets. In the drama that preceded the trip, the parents had extracted a promise of sorts that we would not go to Patni Top and would return to
Upon reaching Katra, we checked into a hotel after haggling with the reception staff over the price to our hearts’ content….Ashu’s half bania blood was doing its bit you see! Started the chadai at about
Day 3:
We started the chadai for bahiro baba, did the darshan and started climbing down. Ashu’s foot was hurting a lot. It is to her credit that in spite of the pain, she chose to smile and made the trip so amazing for the others around her. J Like I said, she merits another post…so the rest of the events in the next post J
I think its a railway conspiracy to never let pretty damsels (like the 3 of you), co habit the train compartments with handsome dudes.. I have been on the receiving end of this conspiracy too..we dudes are equally distressed. This blog strikes a cord, i know keenly await next episode of adventures of pracs n ashu!
and by the way .. tell asha .. that one knight in shining armor is practicing rock climbing in California these days .. so she can hope for a comfortable trip next time(if informed in advance).
@saurabh: how abt signing up a petition wherein it is mandatory that single good looking women should only be given seats next to single good looking men when traveling by train, bus, plane, etc...This has the potential of becoming a revolution of sorts...don't you think?
:D As far as the message from the "rock-climbing" Knight in shining armor is concerned, it shall definitely be conveyed ...only keep the dal makhani handy when the damsel arrives!
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