I was holding on to my pursuit of happiness. I was determined to look within for the same. I didn't want to be influenced by anything or anybody for my happiness. I didn't want to be angry with anyone...not even with myself. I wanted to show myself that I can live for the moment...that I had learned to accept whatever life had in store for me with grace...with gratitude even...because whatever it is...has been given...some of it without even asking for it. :)
Life has been a roller coaster ride of sorts for the past few months. The ride has been all it is suposed to be...it has been scary, joyful, smooth, and painful also...not particularly in the same order.
I have a tendency to deviate from the original topic...anyway, I offered a prayer to vaishno ma at this point of time. I was seeking her blessings on this particular day when I found my resolve wavering a little. I wanted to hold on to the promise I had made to myself. I prayed to her to show me in some way that I was not alone...that she was there to hold me...I stepped into my bathroom...my most favorite hiding place. :)
I had just about sensed my resolve weakening...when i prayed to mata. and lo and behold!!! I spotted torn pieces of a letter I had written to myself- safely hidden behind an almira in the bathroom. I had written this letter several months ago. In a fit of anger, I had torn the letter that very day and had thrown it away. In the letter, I had made all the promises I mentioned above. I had penned down the names of all the people and all the things I counted as God's most beautiful gifts to me. I had listed all the beautiful memories I cherished and will continue to cherish all my life. That letter was meant to be a reminder of how beautiful my life was and how I should be thankful to God for this glorious present.
When i found the letter again after all these months, I stepped out of the bathroom and I asked my mom where she got the torn pieces of letter from. She told me that she had seen me writing something down and then throwing it away. She thought that it must be preserved so she just collected all the pieces and hid them behind the closet. She never once looked at the letter. I put together all the pieces of the letter and read it again. In that one moment, after I read the letter, I felt God's presence in my life again. I felt mata's arms around me. I felt her palms wiping my tears. That was the most magical experience of my life. For me it was nothing short of a miracle...when my prayer was answered instantly. When I was reassured by none other than the almighty.
It is very important to have faith in yourself. For some this may be anextremely emotional piece of writing. but for me this experience was truly motivating...god is nothing but the power within us. We must never ever forget that...:)
:-) beautiful!! You know there is a verse in the bible that says "my grace is enough for you."
I have been deriving my inspiration from this verse. God has blessed us with more than what we need to lead a happy and fulfilled life. But in our desires to get more, in our attempt to achieve what is not meant to be for us us, we tend to ignore what we've got.
I have learnt to cherish what i have, and am so very grateful for my blessings, and since then, life has become wonderful!! You seem to have taken the same track!! As i always say, God does answer ALL prayers... It's just that sometimes that answer is No! And He says no, only when He has something better in store...
Just keep the faith, and there'll be no looking back! :-)
God bless...
Prachi...I am impressed with the way u expressed yourself!!!
Your flow of thought..emotions.. was absolutely smooth!!
I trust in the Divine power..and believe in thanking him for everything!
Hi Prachi, it was good to know that you had something to reaffirm your faith. Letters written to yourself are a good way to measure what you want, where you are, and how you have grown.
As Aman has written...keep the faith!
Take care..
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