There was this phrase that everybody seemed to be repeating to me. Everybody told me to move on...I asked some people I was very very close to what "moving on" really meant...everybody had a different interpretation. Nobody could ever explain to me what they meant when they told me to move on...Today I have my own interpretation...atleast, today i think I know that I want to move on :D
This picture was taken what now seems like ages ago. An amazing trip with some lovely memories...This is a picture that is symbolic of a lot of things I believe in...hope, prayers, dreams, and moving on. Only two years have passed, yet I am so different. A lot of relationships have revived, a lot left behind...and I move on...with a smile. It is an uphill journey. Sometimes, I get really tired, I feel like slowing down, taking some rest, talking to a few nice looking (no pun intended ;)) people around, striking a conversation...yet I move on. During the course of this journey, I sometimes reach a spot that seems like my destination. I feel sure that this is where I wanted to get, this is what I wanted all my life, the beautiful and the soothing suroundings, a wonderful sense of security, and the comfort of belonging lull me into a deep and a very cosy sleep. But, i wake up or rather am woken up. In the light of the mornning, what seemed so beautiful seems even more beautiful, but I am sent away, because I am no longer welcome. It hurts, yet I move on. At times, the weather takes its toll, it seems too harsh, and I want to give the journey up. I want to just stop. But, something pulls me...and I move on.
I really enjoyed each and every word you have have used to pen your feelings...There can be no better way of expressing yourself than the one you potrayed...Lov it...
Hi Prachi.. Came across your profile on Orkut through Swati's.
The moving on blog entry is... I am out of words to be honest.. Short, tight and really moving.
Thanks, I could use some motivation in this phase of my life
Hi Girish,
am glad my blog could be of some help :) thanks for the appreciation.
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