okie...this is something I dreaded forever....
The clock is ticking...a little too loud...a few more days..and I'll be...eeks...30-1...I almost typed "3" there...I wish! 27 is digestible, 29 is GRAND! If anyone ever said mid-life crisis, i know what it is. Don't even feel like Bridget Jones anymore...bet she was younger in the movie/novel. :(
Agh...was speaking to this friend today...and discussed how the whole plan has gone kaput! I was suposed to have been married by 24, at best 25, had my first baby by the time I was 27, and around my 29th birthday, I was supposed to be pregnant with my second baby...ofcourse I would have a flat of my own, a car in my name, a decent bank balance...successful career...i had it all painted in front of my eyes. Did I mention that I would not know the meaning of the word "cynicism" as per my plan?
There's just been a "slight" change in "the plan"...I am turning (gawd it hurts) 29. I am single (of course unmarried), clearly childless, not even in a steady job (its a contractual assignment), no flat, no car, and cynicism? of course not! :)
man what a traitor god can be! Several years ago, (before I got into my late twenties), if you asked me "do you have a plan?" I'd say "of course, I do...for the next 50 years!"
Today, if you asked me the same question, all you'd get is a raised eye brow!
Know what's brought about the tirade?...thsi woman who i believe was probably only a couple of years younger to me walked up to me and said "didi, bus kab ayegi?" Bloody ***CH!
And on the trip to Thailand, to help her team guess the name of the movie, this disgusting cousin of mine pointed a finger at me and my "OLDER" unmarried cousin while we were playing Dumb charade. The movie was "Dhalti Jawani!" DO NOT LAUGH! It is NOT bloody funny! grrrrr.
Graying hair, expanding waist line, bags under eyes! approaching 30's is the worst thing to happen to a woman I say! And is it just me or do all women approaching 30 develop an inexplicable affinity towards chocolate, fattening food, and daily soaps?
I mean...ugh...and why is the whole ****ing world gettign maried....men and women...all you need is to turn 21...is the whole world becoming bloody th***i? I mean gimme a break! wait till you are atleast 35 if you are a woman and 40 till you are a man! lame joke...I know...but I bloody mean it! Thank god, I sit next to this woman at work who is also in her late twenties and is thankfully unmarried, unattached, and working on a contract!
That's the sadist in me talking! :) And I'm loving it...
And for once, can people who are married, unmarried, with children, without children, old and young stop asking me what's new in my life...The "news" that you, my parents, and like the whole world seems to be eagerly waiting for...will be delivered to you...while I scream from rooftops, whenever that happens!
This is just the first episode from the "30-1....knocking" series! there's more to come...
Enjoy! and I am NOT saying that cynically! grrrrrrrr...and I amNOT bitter....and I am NOT frowning! and the smile on my face is NOT fake or a result of BOTOX! :)
And YES! I may just bite! I don't know for sure, do I?
Marvellous Prachs! Loved the way you wrote about this "disturbing" subject. Gives me all the strength to move on ;)(and you know why I say that). Be it our 27th/29th or 80th birthday, lets thank God for the blessed life He has bestowed on us, and pray for all the joy and fun in the coming years. And yes, numbers dont really matter with that "smile on your face."
Btw, gimme a call sometime, I am eager to know "what's new???":):):)
@ pinka: yeah yeah i thank god all right for the fact taht i am not yet 60 Kgs, i think! been really long since i weighed myself...am mortified at the thought what the weighing scale will show!
in response to "What's new?"-
Prach...trust me you are still lucky to be single..and live a life on ur own...not to worry about what you are going to cook tomorrow...have ur parents with you by your side...can explore the world by yourself...still to laugh and fight every night with your brother...still to shop with your friends...still to call and be on phone and chats with your friends...still to spend nights at your friend's place...still not to worry about managing the finances...still not to worry about the weekly or monthly groceries that you should buy........the list is long...be happy that you are single and that makes you younger.
Life after marriage is good...but it is totally a different experience. You will never be able to do many things that you could do when you were single...Marriage is reponsibily and maturity.
@ teena: satya vachan mahadevi satya vachan...hehehe
are u got me wrong...i was ranting not coz im dying ot be married :P
hehe its coz im turning OLD :(
my suggestions: Start writing chicklits!
I just finished reading "Almost Single" and your post seems like an extension of the book.
seems like you will add one more feather @29-30-31 or whatever...
The thing is that the grass always looks greener on the other side! :D
Singles crib about marriage...and married ones simply miss singledom!
Don't give us fat and married a complex by talking about getting fat when I know you are only getting slimmer and more gorgeous.
BTW, all the single women friends I know are into "learning more about themselves" ;)) and I just love to hear them talking in contrast to boring married women.
And its men who get cynical with age, married or otherwise, not us women.
@ the withering willow: shikhs, idea bura nahi hai, teri advice man kar maine is post ke follow up post me relationship advice bhi dispense kari!
i smell money in this! good idea lady!
@ lata: This is by far the best and the "TRUEST"comment I have received yet.
@ holy trance: 143...and it DOES NOT mean I LOVE YOU! huh!
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