Sunday, April 20, 2008

Wanted A Suitable Boy for a 27-Year Old Woman!!!

Please don’t get me wrong…This is NEITHER a cue for any eligible men to forward their matrimonial profiles (that is what they call bio-datas these days) to me NOR an invitation for anything hanky panky ;) However, I am the 27+ woman in question and this is my account of my parents’ and my search for a suitable bania boy for…you guessed right.

How desperate is that…getting your parents to find a “match” for you…the word match is right…somebody who matches your eligibility criteria and your family’s and the same goes for you and your family.

The eligibility criteria ranges from how much money your dad will spend on the marriage, if your horoscopes match, etc. If you are the shy cum coy cum modern cum traditional cum homely cum talented cum educated from convent schools and colleges cum very fair cum very beautiful girl….you can definitely come into the guy’s family. If you are a guy who earns a monthly package of over a lac and have a house of your own and have a small family and have never been divorced or are not a widower…you can definitely take the woman home…your looks do not matter…or do they? Well, to be honest they do…as I will tell you…

BTW let me clarify…as cynical as I sound in the beginning of this article... I know for sure that this is a tried, tested, and proven method…it works…has worked for ages…for most of my maternal family (the cousins in my paternal family have been what you call slightly forward in this respect…they fought with their parents and opted out of this arrangement to chose their own partners with or without their parents’ APPROVAL) and probably three fourths of the Indian population…I am not sure about the statistics…I think these days most people are as brave as my paternal family…

But anyway…we will talk about the remaining FEW of us who for various reasons log on to or or more such websites…who scan bio datas of suitable candidates along with their parents…who overhear telephonic conversations between their parents and the servants of the house…who suggest suitable alliances…have I use the word “suitable” a little to often in this write up? If yes, well the word is suitable for this kind of writing. :D

OOPS…just realized I wrote a lot of hog wash…will end this part here…will move on to a detailed account of my first experience of meeting an eligible bania boy everybody in my family just lovedddddddddd…unfortunately I did not… and I made the fatal error of saying NO!!! Like I said…detailed account in the next post.